Give Us a Try!
Our clients select us for our outstanding service quality and unmatched deals. With our exclusive offers, you travel in ultimate comfort and save on your flights!
Exceptional Offers
Unlock the ultimate travel experience with our exceptional offers, providing unbeatable savings on premium airfares. Our exclusive deals grant you access to luxurious travel at a fraction of the cost, ensuring you enjoy the best of both worlds.
Short-notice reservations
Travel stress-free with bookings available up to a few hours before your flight. Explore any international destination on any airline at unbeatable fares.
Customized Travel Itineraries
Seamless planning for detailed and bespoke travel routes customized to your travel requirements. Diverse airline and cabin class combinations available.
Covid-19 Recommendations
Receive the latest travel news from your dedicated travel consultant Stay informed with real-time updates on travel restrictions, safety protocols, and health guidelines directly from your dedicated travel consultant.
Booking Steps
Connect with UsReach us at (855) 704-5077 or request a free quote. Our travel experts are standing by to assist.
Expert approachEach interaction is uniquely tailored with great care and attention to detail. Optimize your experience with your preferences.
Review your emailGet the best itineraries at the lowest prices delivered to your inbox right away.
Book and Take OffMake a secure online booking, get your e-ticket, and start your adventure!
Our Clients' Testimonials
Frequently Asked Questions
How do we serve you?
At PrivyTrips, we specialize in providing personalized travel solutions for First Class and Business Class flights. Our dedicated travel advisors work closely with you to understand your preferences and needs, ensuring a seamless and luxurious travel experience. We offer exclusive deals and significant savings on premium airline tickets, and our 24/7 customer support ensures assistance is always available. From booking to boarding, we take care of every detail, so you can focus on enjoying your journey.
What allows PrivyTrips to offer fares at such low prices?
PrivyTrips leverages strong relationships with over 70 airlines to negotiate exclusive deals and discounted rates on First Class and Business Class tickets. Our industry expertise and bulk purchasing power allow us to secure significant savings, which we pass on to our clients. Additionally, our advanced technology and dedicated team continuously monitor fare trends to identify the best opportunities for cost-effective travel. This combination of strategic partnerships, purchasing power, and technology enables us to offer premium travel at highly competitive prices.
Is online booking available for business class tickets with PrivyTrips?
At PrivyTrips, we offer exclusive prices on business and first class tickets that are not available through online booking. To provide you with the best possible fares and personalized service, our exclusive deals can be redeemed by contacting us directly. You can call us at (208) 555-0112, email us, or chat with our travel advisors via WhatsApp. Our team is dedicated to finding you the best rates and ensuring a seamless booking experience.
Why can't I see full flight details immediately after a search?
At PrivyTrips, we strive to offer the best possible fares and exclusive deals, which often require direct negotiations with airlines. As a result, full flight details may not be immediately available online. To ensure you receive the most accurate and cost-effective options, our team of travel advisors reviews each request personally. Once you contact us, we can provide you with detailed flight information and customized itineraries tailored to your needs. This approach allows us to offer you the best prices and personalized service.
What are the benefits of flying business class?
Flying business class offers a range of benefits that enhance your travel experience significantly. Passengers enjoy spacious and comfortable seating with ample legroom and the ability to recline fully for a restful journey. Business class also provides priority boarding and check-in, reducing wait times and ensuring a smoother travel process. Additionally, passengers can indulge in premium in-flight dining, with gourmet meals and a selection of fine beverages. Enhanced entertainment options, access to exclusive airport lounges, and exceptional customer service further contribute to a luxurious and stress-free travel experience.
What payment methods do you accept?
PrivyTrips accepts various payment methods to ensure a seamless booking experience for our clients. You can pay using major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept payments via bank transfers. For corporate clients, we offer invoicing options upon request.
How can I make changes to my booking?
To make changes to your booking, please contact our customer service team directly. You can reach us via phone, email, or live chat. Our travel specialists will assist you with modifying your itinerary, including changes to flight dates, times, and destinations. Please note that changes may be subject to fare differences and airline policies.
Are there any additional baggage fees?
Baggage policies vary by airline and class of service. While many business and first-class tickets include complimentary checked baggage, some airlines may impose additional fees for excess or oversized luggage. Our travel specialists will provide detailed information about baggage allowances and any potential fees when booking your flight.
What is your cancellation policy?
PrivyTrips offers a flexible cancellation policy to accommodate our clients' needs. If you need to cancel your trip, please contact us immediately. Depending on the airline and fare class, you may be eligible for a full refund, travel credit, or rebooking with minimal fees. Specific cancellation terms will be provided at the time of booking.
Can I earn frequent flyer miles when booking through PrivyTrips?
Yes, you can earn frequent flyer miles when booking through PrivyTrips. We partner with over 60 major airlines, allowing you to accumulate miles with your preferred loyalty programs. Be sure to provide your frequent flyer number when booking, and our travel specialists ensure that your miles are credited to your account.